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WPQuads (FREE) Version 2.0.72 Released

  • We are very pleased to announce to you that we have just released an update and that, we have fixed the following issues.

    Released Date:  19th June, 2023

    Issue Fixed:

    • Added: New Option to set expiry date #747
    • Fixed: Some errors in Apache error log #750
    • Fixed: Option “Ad after HTML tag” is not working #748
    • Fixed: Some issues are occurring with vide ads #719
    • Fixed: There is a need to make a feature where users can add mobile device-specific ads. #725
    • Fixed: Improvement requirement in Impression and click counts #724
    • Fixed: Ad Logging UI is broken (pro) #684
    • Fixed: Toggle to disable “All Ads should appear after 3-4 seconds of loading the page” #704
    • Fixed: Checkbox selection should work on every respective label click #751
    • Fixed: Newspaper theme ad options should only be available if the theme is activated #753
    • Fixed: Banner Ads are appearing on the Store page even if not configured #752
    • Fixed: URL Parameter inside targeting is not working. #754
    • Fixed: Wrong parameters passed to impressions and clicks functionality #755
    • Fixed: When we enable the ad performance tracking option, a lot of requests are sent to the server. #763

Please do let us know your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve our WP Quads Plugin.