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WPQuads (FREE) Version 2.0.82 Released

  • We are very pleased to announce to you that we have just released an update and that, we have fixed the following issues.

    Released Date:  9th April, 2024

    Issue Fixed:

      • New: Added option sorting type in rotator ads #880
      • Improvement: Duplication of position dropdown (code improvement) #862
      • Fixed: Conflict issue with 2.0.81 version #875
      • Fixed: Mobile Plain Text / HTML / JS option is not getting saved #879
      • Fixed: option to add the mobile-specific ad in the custom ad is not getting saved #873
      • Fixed: PHP Warning (2.0.81): Undefined array key “position” #874
    Please do let us know your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve our WP Quads Plugin.