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Make More Revenue By Using An Ads.Txt In Your Website Root Domain

Today, i am going to write about a possible way to increase your AdSense earnings by uploading a simple text file in the root path of your domain

This specific file is labeled ads.txt. It’s primary reason is to declare authorized seller and  help you protect your brand from counterfeit inventory that is intentionally mislabeled as originating from a specific domain, app, or video.

But It can also help you receive more advertiser spend that might have otherwise gone toward counterfeit inventory.  As a result your earnings will go up over time.

Let’s start first with explaining the ads.txt and how and when to use it:

What is Ads.txt?

Ads.txt is a method for publishers to declare who is authorized to sell their ad inventory. It is part of a common standard and is supported by all serious ad networks and sell side platforms (SSP).

Ads.txt is a small text file which can and in some cases even must be placed in the root of your website domain for legitimating certain ad networks on your website. The ads.txt file contains a list of allowed ad networks. As an example, for Google DFP and AdSense it’s looking like this:, pub-383599332971XXXX, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The only parameter which is unique and needs to be modified for your own website is the publisher id starting with pub-.

If you want to learn more about ads.txt, check out the official google documentation

  • To get the publisher id in AdSense: Sign in to your AdSense account, then click Settings > Account information.
  • Make sure that the publisher id does not contain the ca- part.For example: Such a publisher id is used in AdSense ad code:



The would be the correct id:


  • Now, create an ads.txt file in the root of your website. It must be available for crawlers from
  • If there is already an ads.txt make sure to add the lines to the top of the file without deleting any other entry from it
  • Save the file and upload it
  • It can take up to 24h until google detects this change
  • Take care:  If you are using a wrong publisher id all ads will be deactivated and are not shown any longer.If you did this it will take up to 24h until your ads are back again. If they are not coming back you need to get in contact with the Google AdSense support!

You can read here more about this possible issue and why it is sometimes a reason for ads not shown.