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Hide AdSense Adverts on Posts with Specific Post Tags

Sometimes you need to hide adverts on posts with special content. This can be posts with some nude content or any other content that does not comply to the terms of your adverts publisher. If you have such posts which are not in accordance to the terms of service you can exclude your ads from all these pages with using the new Tags Condition which is build into WP QUADS PRO 1.3.1.

You can use this new feature from the General Settings tab available from the WP QUADS settings  WP QUADS PRO->GENERAL SETTINGS

Select from there all tags which are connected to the posts you do not want to see any adverts on:

Hide ads on post tags


To get this new feature just update WP QUADS and WP QUADS PRO Plugin to latest versions.

What content is prohibited for AdSense?

Google AdSense does not allow to use AdSense ads on pages which includes the following content:


Disable your ads on all pages with such kind of content.

I hope you like this new WP QUADS visibility condition which gives you some extra power to determine where ads are visible and where not on your WordPress website.  If you are missing something just  leave your suggestion in the comments below.